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3:34pm 05-09-2024
Hibi, again (again)

What time of day is it?

Idk I've been playing so much HSR I lose track
Korryd is so poggers, everytime she draws she kills me instantly. I am writing this from Hell
8:29pm 04-21-2024

What time of day is it?

12:27 pm
nart brought me back from the dead. i was resting peacefully within the flames of eternal damnation and was forcibly summoned back to life by a drawing of a depressed slavic teenager. one of the better ways i've been revived.
6:59pm 04-21-2024

What time of day is it?

why must i tell you. youre the computer
narma is Peak . great artistry, excellent taste for color combination, hardworking, gets semi hung up on the details. extremely kind and silly individual. moj drogi narma
6:57pm 04-21-2024

What time of day is it?

hi makes 10/10 fantastic art and also is gay i think
4:24pm 04-21-2024
Hibi, again

What time of day is it?

Time for takeoff
Srs this time, sowwy
Korryd is very good at art, she drew me Venti several times and it made me explode. Her composition and backgrounds are very cool and creative and I also like her OCs and world building
Her art grind is a little scary, she farts out so many pieces every month it's genuinely impressive. And scary again
Uhhhhhh please consider N for zines and art projects and maps, she is very good and poggers and stuff
4:14pm 04-21-2024

What time of day is it?

Your mom o clock
Korryd sold me fent behind walmart